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Digital Forensics and the Deep Dark Web

Digital Forensics and the Deep Dark Web

Into the Deep Dark Web – Digital Forensics can find the hidden crime

The internet makes everything so much easier. Shopping, business, connecting with friends and entertainment are all brought to us compliments of the world wide web.

What started out as ARPANET in the early days of 1983 has grown exponentially to a virtual system moving bits of information among over three billion users worldwide.

As there are never-ending applications for good with the internet, there is also a never-ending list of digital crime available. Nowhere is that more apparent than on the dark web.

Most people don’t know about the dark web and for good reason. There is a lot of bad that goes on there. But a little information can help dispel any myths and protect internet users from future dark web computer crime.

The internet is actually made up of layers:

* The surface web: Everything users do online; search engines, shopping, social media, etc.

* The Deep Web (or the invisible web): all non-search engine indexed information. Data like emails, banking websites and other pages inaccessible to search engine crawlers.

* The Dark Web: The dark underbelly of the internet, inaccessible to mainstream web browsers, this is a popular destination for all things that need to remain unseen or unreported.

So, if the dark web isn’t easy to access, why is it so popular among criminals? The short answer, anonymity. The dark web allows users to keep their identity hidden while dealing in illegal goods and services, setting up arrangements and communicating. Thus, the appeal to criminal world.

For all the illicit activity on the dark web, there is a type of silver lining. Political activists, journalists and people from countries that restrict information and internet activity use the dark web to access social media or news sites. The dark web becomes their digital life-line to get information or inform the rest of the world about the events in their countries.

For most of us, the dark web is simply a scary bedtime story that has little to do with our daily lives. The reality is, it’s a breeding ground for criminal activity.

With the ever-expanding world of cyber bad guys comes the need for computer forensic services that can protect those who have been affected by criminal activity disguised on the dark web.

Digital Forensics in Little Rock

LITTLE ROCK A Digital Forensics company based in Northwest Arkansas, with offices in Bentonville, Little Rock, and Fort Smith however, we serve clients nationally and can help from any location in the US. To contact Guardian, please call (800) 403-0442 or send us a...
Digital Forensics Tulsa

Digital Forensics Tulsa

TULSA To contact Guardian, please call (539) 302-5211 or send us a message below. We look forward to assisting with your digital forensics and data recovery needs in Tulsa, OK. Guardian Forensics Tulsa Office Location Tulsa Oklahoma Attorneys rely on Guardian...
Cybersecurity Tips, Trends, and Helps from Guardian Forensics

Cybersecurity Tips, Trends, and Helps from Guardian Forensics

Cybersecurity Tips, Trends, and Helps from Guardian Forensics

Your most prized possessions don’t just sit out for everyone to see and touch. Anything that’s valuable is cared for, cleaned regularly, stored in a safe place and secure. Valuable objects are preserved because they are just that—valuable. The same goes for your electronics.

Cybersecurity is essential to every network—personal, work, enterprise-level—every electronic device that logs on or hooks up to your network needs the proper protection.

With all the talk of cybersecurity it’s hard to know exactly where to start, what are the best methods of protection, or the newest security trends.

One way to approach security is to be proactive about viruses and the rapid growth of ransomware. Simple antivirus can’t always protect, and acting is more effective than reacting. Keeping systems updated, upgrading protective systems along with regular data back-ups are the best defense especially when it comes to business networks. If your system has been attacked, hiring a cyber forensics team can help you find where the malicious files came from and whether legal actions will be needed.

The rapidly growing use of “smart” or machine learning (think artificial intelligence) will create better real-time threat detection and protection. Smart programs that learn from their cyber environment will be better able to combat computer crime and create a faster response, identification, and elimination of malicious files and cyber-attacks.

Having the right skills to set up and maintain your security is a major player in cybersecurity.

On a personal level, finding an adequate service that knows what they are doing can be a challenge, but they are out there. Do your homework and ask lots of questions.

On a business scale, while the boss wants to save a few dollars, he should do it somewhere other than IT security support.

A good cybersecurity tech is worth the paycheck. They are the ones keeping the bad guys out and commerce flowing.

If you do find your system under attack it’s important to not panic and have a plan. If a data breach has happened you will need the help of a digital forensics expert, like Guardian-Forensics.com, to help restore your system and find out how, where and most importantly, who set up the attack.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to protect your valuable network.

Digital Forensics Experts – Cell Phones and Secrets

Digital Forensics Experts – Cell Phones and Secrets

Digital Forensics Experts – Cell Phones and Secrets

Apple, Android, or other—it doesn’t matter the operating system, smartphones have lightning fast processing that lets us do almost anything. Today’s smartphones are so sophisticated that using them to call people seems archaic.

Numberless apps, virtual assistants, schedules and payment systems allow us to traverse daily life with ease and relative security.

However wonderful cell phones may be, they can hold secrets and evidence of misdeeds.

In many cases, when the law gets involved, cell phone forensics becomes exhibit A. with the help of Guardian digital forensics experts, no secret stays locked away forever.

In many legal cases, smartphone usage is scrutinized to find out any information that can be used to further legal actions.

Things like:

* Pictures

* Videos

* Texts

* Emails

* Contacts and Call logs

* Social Media Activity

* Internet browsing history

can all be used in court cases whether for the defendant or the plaintiff. Dependence on smart devices leads us to record or use our phones to the point where they become a necessity. This necessity has also become a huge liability where the law and unsavory activities are involved.

In short, if you are facing a legal battle, you will want a digital media exploitation expert who can dig into smartphone history to support your case.

Many times, guilty parties will try to delete, cleanse, or find other ways to hide their cell phone activity to protect themselves. However, with the right documentation and the right software, a digital forensics expert will be able to conduct forensics and behavioral analysis on the cell phone in question and extract even the most carefully hidden activity.

Discovered cellphone Information can be especially damning when it comes to divorce, custody battles, distracted driving accident cases and a variety of court cases examining questionable activities.

Using a cell phone makes life more convenient, but it can also leave a trail to other hidden patterns of life activities. Be careful what you put on your phone, and if facing a legal battle, be sure to investigate what the other party has on their phone. The secrets can be shocking and win the legal battle for you.

Guardian, Unlocking the Truth