(800) 403-0442


ATTORNEYS The Guardian team works closely with attorneys and corporate counsel to provide services to help build your case. We provide expert witness services, strategy assistance and trial and technical consulting, along with an array of computer forensic and...

Deleted Files

DATA RECOVERY The experts at Guardian understand the value of your data and the importance of quick, secure recovery. With Guardian, data loss is only temporary and we prove this by having the highest hard drive recovery success rate in the industry. No job is too big...

Chip-Off Extraction

CHIP-OFF FORENSICS & DATA RECOVERY SERVICES Chip-off forensics is an advanced data extraction and analysis technique involving physically removing flash memory chip(s) from a subject device and then acquiring the raw data using specialized equipment.  This method...

Cell Phone Spyware Detection

CyberSecurity Os bônus de casino online dinheiro real geralmente não são oferecidos a novos jogadores. Em vez disso, esses bônus são frequentemente oferecidos aos jogadores que estão jogando no local por um tempo e que aprenderam seus truques e trocam bem dentro do...