Reigning in the Rogue Employee
As a company owner or even upper management, you know it’s important to find the right employee to help your business grow and thrive. Taking the time to interview and find the perfect worker only adds talent to your business and makes the daily workings move more efficiently. And every employee stays loyal and happy, right?
Not so much.
Some employees will stay for a while, some a lifetime and others only a few months. And unfortunately, the employee that loved the job on day one might morph into an employee who hates his or her job and the company on day 500. When that hate grows to action, you have a rogue employee on your hands.
Rogue Employee.
An employee who undermines the business or organization he or she works for. This subversion might look like good-natured (or nefarious) flaunting of company rules, making them a target for HR and repeated reprimands. More common and more dangerous are the rogue employees that have taken their hate underground and are working, silently, to destroy or at least cause havoc for the company.
The Cyber Problem.
Too many times, rogue employees who take their grievances underground, start to cause problems on the digital front. These employees might commit computer crimes such as stealing company information, purposely introducing worms or viruses, deleting sensitive information–and the list goes on.
What you can do.
Taking greater measures to protect sensitive information is the first step to thwart rogue employees. Better encryption, multi-level cybersecurity and more frequent IT audits are a good start. Keeping in contact with employees and regular meetings or evaluations can help management pinpoint possible problem employees as well.
And if They Do Cause Problems…
The best thing to do if you find your company has fallen prey to a rogue employee is first, get a team of computer forensics experts and start the investigation. These highly trained experts will know where to look to find evidence of any type of technological tampering. Stolen files, deleted files, even employee digital activity, will all be there to use as fuel to rid your company of this problem.
Rogue employees can be anywhere. Protect your business and, in case of emergency, have the right cyber forensics team on your side to get the information and keep dangerous employees out.